Friday, April 16, 2010

Olivia 26 weeks

Since I don't know what exactly is going on in my is some information that i found on a website that i go to regularly.....

How Big is the Baby at 26 Weeks Pregnant Olivia has put on quite a bit of weight by week 26 and is now a whopping 1.7 pounds. Her total length is about 14 inches. She is now starting to add a little fat to her bones, though she won't start accumulating too much fat until the last few weeks of pregnancy.

Olivia’s Growth and Development
 Olivia’s heart continues to grow and develop at 26 weeks. I may even be able to hear your baby's heart beat through a traditional stethoscope placed on your stomach.

In addition to organ maturation the nerve pathways in your baby's ears continue to develop and this will allow your baby to respond to sounds more consistently. You might notice your baby jumping more often now to loud noises. This is a good time to start playing some relaxing music to your little one. Some parents even enjoy reading to their babies during this time.

My Growth and Development
Your uterus should now be about 2 and a half inches above your belly button. Your uterus will continue growing at a rate of about 1 centimeter each week as you continue your pregnancy. You have probably put on some weight at this point in time, up to 23 pounds for some women. Your weight may fluctuate from day to day due to water retention so try not to weight yourself every day, as this could prove discouraging during your pregnancy.

Changes in Me

You are probably starting to experience more discomfort including pressure and back pain as your belly continues to grow larger.

Leg cramps are also common. Be sure to stretch out your legs as much as possible and eat a nutritious diet to ensure your body is receiving the nutrients it needs to keep up with your baby's development. Stretching is particularly important if you plan on doing any type of exercise. Remember that your added girth and the changes in hormones will change the way your body responds to exercise. You want to make sure you do not injure yourself. One way to prevent this is through routine stretching.

Some women might start complaining of pain or discomfort around their ribs or in their lower abdomen. Your little one is getting stronger, and her strength combined with the growing size of your uterus, which is pressing against your organs may cause you to have some discomfort. It isn't uncommon to feel a sharp or stabbing pain or pressure under your ribs as the baby moves. It may help to switch positions or lie down when you feel this pain or discomfort.

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